Get rid of boring day to day manual retyping
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feature example
Grouping by URLGroup your interfaces into files placed in directories according to the URL structure of the endpoint
feature example
EnumerationsCreate enumerations from specified allowed values an your documentation
feature example
CustomizingCustomize interface names by specifying general prefix/postfix or separate prefixes/postfixes for request, response and error response
feature example
VersionsChoose which versions should be used to generate interfaces. You can generate interfaces for all versions or only the latest ones
feature example
Nested fieldsAutomatically get separate interfaces for nested fields
terminal controls
$ npm i -g apidoc2ts
Installed apidoc2ts
$ apidoc2ts --source ./doc/api_data.json --output ./out --name interfaces.ts
Successfully generated interfaces
$ cat ./out/interfaces.ts
export interface User {
    name: string;
    age: number;